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Celebrating The Year of 2021

Updated: Apr 28, 2022

Touching Live Matters

When we think of an achievement, we tend to picture something out of the ordinary, like exceeding targets, landing a big sale or delivering a project milestone. But for us, success is when we touch lives in a positive way.

In 2021, we exceeded our target and achieved a total sales of RM338,200,000 despite the economy that was being hit by the pandemic.

In addition, our manpower has increased more than 70% since the pandemic began in 2020.

So many things can grab our attention, but we have to come away and “close our eyes” so we can touch and be touched again, thereby letting the effect warm our hearts.

Our Promise

As your ultimate business partner for life, we always keep in mind the importance of touch, no matter what avenue the touch comes through. Touch a life every day. Own up to it, and do it intentionally with the understanding that a difference is being made in the lives of others as a result.

In 2022, we vow to touch more lives. Be part of us. Our nationwide presence offers endless learning opportunities for you to grow and make an impact. We cherish curiosity, forward-thinking and experimental behaviour. Join us and be empowered to unleash your potential.

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