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Business Culture 5:
Standard of business culture and team spirit
The Nirvana group has many agencies, yet one of the reasons why Top Group remains the most outstanding among the bunch is because of its strong team spirit. Although Top Group is a huge organisation, has a lot of agents, everyone remains closely connected. Also, the support provided by logistics is truly impeccable. Regardless of the members’ rank, everyone within will always help each other out wherever possible, to provide the customers with a more holistic service. Such meticulous top service is not what one agent is able to provide, but it is the product of everyone’s contributions in Top Group.
Purpose: One single person’s service is obviously inconsequential compared to what a group of people can provide. Top Group’s core principle of practice is to provide every customer with the most careful, meticulous, and best possible service. This is also what defines a high standard performance by the business enterprise that is Top Group, as well as one of the key reasons why Top Group offers the best products among the many agencies under the Nirvana group.
Business Culture 6:
Appreciate and cherish, comprehend with kindness
Birth, ageing, illness and death are the four natural phenomena and processes of life. As the experts of holistic life planning, Top Group naturally comprehend this principle better than the average person and appreciate every life to the fullest. Under such an atmosphere, Top Group’s associates are always grateful when dealing with their customers and surrounding situation. At the same time, they would also adopt an appreciative mentality when facing the hardships and challenges along the way. By doing so, Top Group’s team not only spreads a positive energy but also influences others with its enthusiasm.
Purpose: ‘Being grateful and appreciative’ enable everyone to be gentle and kind to others, this plays a very important role in holistic life planning. Customers who have gotten in touch with Top Group will realise, that its members possess unique qualities, most notably their sincerity emanating from within their hearts. This will enable oneself to have a much deeper understanding in this profession, thereby adding value and meaning to one’s life.
‘Being grateful and appreciative’ enable everyone to be gentle and kind to others.
Business Culture 7:
Generous with charity, displaying warmth to humanity
Even though Top Group is a profit organisation, that does not mean Top Group only focuses on pursuing sales results or profits, contrariwise it pursues a different goal — charity.
Top Group believes that wealth is ultimately a form of limited pursuance, but helping others through charity, making the world a better place, is the ultimate objective of Top Group’s members. As such, every year Top Group will carry out all types of donations, especially with relation to coffin donations, in which most assistance is provided.
Purpose: With such business culture as the driving force, Top Group’s staffs and agents would treat their customers with utmost care, often providing others with a feeling of warmth and positive influence, which highlights Top Group and its members warmth and depth in understanding of others.
Business Culture 8:
Being people-oriented: Your trust towards me, my gift to you
From the perspective of business enterprise, Top Group strives to enable its agents to fulfil their own ambitions, by continuously providing its agents with platforms, strategies, targets, and directions all these years. Top Group also shares its experiences and unselfishly provides all sorts of resources and help towards its agents. All these years Top Group has attentively and patiently trained every agent, and after many years, all the hands-on experiences cumulated have been transformed into a formula of success which is shared with everyone.
Purpose: Helping others will naturally result in helping oneself, this displays a form of helpful and self-beneficial spirit. This type of business style with a charitable mentality is what fills Top Group with warmth and energy, which has continuously put Top Group at the top among all business enterprises.
‘Doing business with a charitable mentality’ is founder Alston Law’s unique core belief, it is also Top Group’s new and unconventional value and spirit. The 8 big business cultures that extend from this business spirit not only help Top Group’s business enterprise expand day by day, it also helps all agents to fulfil a form of life’s purpose, which is to help customers fully fulfil their life plan and leave this world with no regrets. Such selfless sharing and assistance is what defines Alston Lau’s phrase of ‘doing business with a charitable mentality’.
Therefore, who says that the business world is ‘only about business’, and that the ultimate goal is pursuing benefits and sales results? Top Group’s business culture, shows you that it is different from the rest of its competitors.