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Why Hard Work Is Not Enough

Updated: Apr 28, 2022

You have heard over and over again, that if you want to be successful, you have got to work hard for it. Without hard work, you will never be successful.

Perhaps this is the biggest lie about success. Is it true that hard work will guarantee your success?

Here, we are going to debunk the myth about why hard work is not enough.

Stop Working Hard Blindly

If you want to achieve extraordinary success in life, you need to stop buying into the myth that hard work is key. You have to stop working hard blindly.

Hard work is important, but you have to understand the fact that more effort does not give you more results.

Think about chasing the sunrise. If you want to catch the sunrise, but if you keep running west, you are not going to make it, no matter how fast you run. If you are traveling in the wrong direction, working hard only gets you to the wrong place, only faster.

Pareto’s 80/20 Principle

The rule says that 80% of your results are created by 20% of your work. And 80% of your work only produces 20% of your results. In other words, out of the 10 things you need to do, only 2 of them are high-impact work. The rest, 8 of them, are low-impact work.

The key is to focus on getting the 20% work done that yields you the most impact and results. This is why hard work does not guarantee success.

Make Sure You Work On The Right Thing

You need to make sure you are working on the right thing that gives you the most results, not just any work. For example, as a financial planner, there are many things you need and can do every day to grow, but you can focus on 3 core activities:

  1. Looking up for potential clients

  2. Meet clients

  3. Follow up

Once you focus on these 3 core activities, you can produce better results and achieve greater success in both your personal and professional life. In short, you must focus on doing the vital few and ignore the trivial many.

The Right Platform Guarantee Your Success

If you want to achieve anything worthwhile in a reasonable amount of time, not only you have to work smart, but also choose the right platform. In Top Group, ‘be a millionaire’ is not a day-dream anymore.

We have helped thousands to plan and have solid protection. Our depth of expertise and experience in dealing with estate or succession planning solves the core issues of the most important aspects of life – wealth & relationship. Aside from committed to excellence, we are a strong protector of clients’ interests.

In conclusion, the key to success is to work on what truly matters and choose to be part of the right platform.

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